Anxiety can be defined as a physiological response through which the body prepares to face a situation perceived as dangerous. In other words, anxiety can be interpreted to be these physical sensations (tachycardia, sweating, tension, etc.) that arise when we feel (perceive) threatened, in danger or that something bad is going to happen.

Why does anxiety exist?

From the perspective of an evolutionary psychologist, anxiety, like all emotions, began with the goal of survival. Taking this into account, it can be said that the origin of anxiety is to prepare the body to be able to escape from danger. That is why we experience those sensations of sweating, tachycardia and muscular tension.

Is my anxiety normal?

Experiencing anxiety is a normal response that all human beings have experienced at some point in their lives. However, there are times when these sensations begin to cause us problems. The psychologist will have to evaluate these situations. However, there are some points that you can identify below.

  1. These situations are usually when the symptoms I am experiencing are too intense and do not allow me to act appropiately. In other words, we can’t do what we have to do.
  2. Another way to know if my anxiety is normal is to identify how often it happens. If these sensations occur several times a day and at the slightest stimulus, it is likely that we are experiencing an anxiety problem.
  3. Finally, if my anxiety lasts for several hours and I can’t relax, my anxiety may not be normal.

Anxiety can also be seen as restlessness, anguish, excessive worry, dread, panic, fear, anguish, phobias, etc. If you consider that your anxiety is affecting your life in a significant way, go to this link and schedule a free consultation session

¿Cómo sé si estoy experimentando ansiedad?

How do I know if I am experiencing anxiety?

There are several symptoms of anxiety in this list you will be able to identify the most common physical symptoms.

  • Dizziness
  • Tachycardia
  • Sweating
  • Palpitations
  • Tremors
  • Digestive discomfort
  • Increased urinary frequency and urgency and/or dizziness.

Fortunately these symptoms can be managed through relaxation exercises. If you want to feel calm in your body, go to this link and schedule a free consultation session with your online psychologist.

Anxiety and behaviors

Many times when we experience anxiety our tendency is to avoid these situations. Many times we feel the desire to flee from events, however, when they happen again we experience anxiety. Also when we experience physiological symptoms they can generate avoidance behaviors of fleeing from danger. However, many times when fleeing, we do not learn to manage anxiety, these situations generate anxiety and these physiological responses.

If you want to stop running away from these situations, click on this link and schedule a free consultation session with your online psychologist.

Thoughts and anxiety

Going back to the definition of anxiety “physiological response through which the body prepares to face a situation perceived as dangerous”. The perceived word is marked in bold as the perception of danger has a great influence on anxiety. Many times our thoughts are usually more catastrophic than what actually happens. That is why thoughts play a very important role in anxiety.

Some situations that generate anxiety can be talking to a boss, taking an exam, a medical procedure, the result of an exam, physiological symptoms, exposures at work, etc. Some of the thoughts that occur in these situations “they are going to scold me”, “I did something wrong”, I am going to fail”, something is going to go wrong”, “they are going to give me something if I continue here”, they are going to make fun of me”, they will judge me, “I am not capable”.

Fortunately these thoughts can be changed through cognitive techniques. If you want to control your thoughts, click on this link and schedule a free consultation session with your online psychologist.

Anxiety therapy

The cognitive behavioral psychologist works on the basis that distorted thoughts have a great influence on anxiety.

That is why it is vitally important to be able to identify and correct these distortions. Through therapy you can learn to identify and modify those thoughts that can generate excessive anxiety. Additionally, you will learn to manage your physiological reactions through techniques that will allow you to feel calmer. Cognitive behavioral psychotherapy has proven to be one of the most successful models in the treatment of anxiety. In some cases, between 8 and 12 sessions are enough to relieve anxiety.

Sometimes medication is recommended along with psychotherapy in order to have better results.


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