Certified Psychologist | Online Therapy in Mexico

When to go to the psychologist?

The psychologist is the mental health professional who helps us when we are experiencing events that impact our thoughts, behaviors, emotions, non-medical physical symptoms (palpitations, stomach pain, lack of energy, etc.) relationships with others. If you feel that some situation is affecting your life, it may be a good idea to see a psychologist. Another indicator that can be important is when some people notice certain changes in us and recommend that we seek help.  

What is psychological therapy?

Psychological therapy, also called psychotherapy or for some simply therapy, is the process in which the psychologist and the patient form a collaborative relationship. This relationship is intended to relieve symptoms that affect thoughts, behaviors, emotions, non-medical physical symptoms (palpitations, stomach pain, lack of energy, etc.) relationships with others. Through conversation, exercises and tasks, we seek to reduce the symptoms that lead us to seek psychological therapy. 

There are several approaches in psychotherapy such as psychoanalysis (if the one on the couch), Gestalt, Humanist, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, contextual therapies, etc. 

How does a psychologist work?

The psychologist generally works through conversation in the first sessions, the psychologist will gather information about your problem, how it originated, since when you are experiencing these symptoms, how they affect your life, etc. With this information, the psychologist will seek to understand you and will be able to generate a plan to start treatment. 

Later, the intervention phase will come. In this phase, the psychologist (depending on the approach) will begin to give you tools that will be useful to reduce your discomfort. Some psychologists use tasks to reinforce what was learned in the session 

Finally comes the maintenance phase. In this phase the psychologist will begin to space out the sessions more until you no longer require it. 

Advantages of going to an online psychologist

  1. with the online psychologist you eliminate the barrier of physical distance. You can receive care from anywhere in the world without having to travel. 
  2. The online psychologist has greater flexibility in schedules. By lowering the physical barrier you have greater flexibility to choose the time you want to receive the sessions. 
  3. The online psychologist is a good alternative for people who have some physical mobility barrier since only a device with internet access is needed 
  4. With the online psychologist you save time and money by not having to travel
  5. By going with an online psychologist you maintain your anonymity by not finding acquaintances in the psychologist’s office 
  6. Research shows that there are no significant differences between online therapy and face-to-face therapy 
  7. The online psychologist offers several means to carry out the session, video call, call and chat. 
  8. If you think an online psychologist will be a good fit for you clic here to schedule a 15 minute free consultation

For whom is an online psychologist NOT recommended?

  1. The online psychologist is not recommended for people who have an unstable internet connection
  2. The online psychologist is not recommended for people who are not familiar with technology (unless someone is willing to support them)
  3.  Disabling or serious disorders. When a pathology has a significant impact, it is advisable to go to a psychologist in 
  4. person Attention to a crisis (situations that put you at risk and can potentially put another person at risk in this case click here

What is Cognitive Behavioral Psycotherapy?

Cogntive-behavioral psychotherapy is the model of psychotherapy focused on changing our thoughts and behaviors to modulate our emotions. It is the model of psychotherapy that has had the best rate of success in treating disorders such as depression and anxiety. 

If you think CBT is a good fit for you clic here and schedule a 15 minutes free consultation


Our psychotherapy 
Individual counseling

Individual Therapy
Duration: 45-60 minutes.
Cost: $25 USD* per session.

Modalities: Video-call, audio-call and chat.
* price subject to the exchange rate of the day
Couples counseling

Couples Therapy
Duration: 60 minutes.
Cost: $40 USD* per session.

Modalities: Video-call.
* price subject to the exchange rate of the day

Case supervision with focus on CBT
Duration: 45-60 minutes.
Cost: $25 USD* per session.

Modalities: Video-call.
* price subject to the exchange rate of the day